Hi, my name is Kate and I am a qualified counsellor offering support and guidance to parents whose children display very challenging behaviour often related to development delays. As a mother with first-hand experience of raising a child who faces a daily battle with anxiety, I have total empathy for how exhausting and disheartening life as a parent can be in our attempts to alleviate our children’s fears and help them to navigate their environment.
With over twenty years of experience working with the public, initially within a corporate capacity and more recently as a counsellor for registered charities and independent clients, I want to share with you the strategies I use to keep myself empowered and positive despite the daily struggles that disability presents. By showing care and compassion to ourselves and by pursuing our own passions we are able to offer our children the best support that we possibly can and work towards creating harmony and happiness within our homes.
I offer an empathic, friendly and confidential counselling service which allows you the client, to talk about your fears, without judgement, to someone who truly understands the challenges that you face on a daily basis. Together we can weave our way through your turmoil creating a bespoke plan of action for alleviating your own pain and reframing your experiences to build the life that you truly desire. With a degree in counselling and regular attendance at workshops and courses, I keep up to date within my counselling practise and continually expand my expertise in all areas of talking therapies and conditions. I am familiar with a number of developmental disorders including Pathological Demand Avoidance, ADHD, Asperger’s Syndrome, Dyslexia and other conditions that cause children to display complex and challenging behaviours. If the above resonates with you, if you have reached the end of your tether with your child’s conduct and if your own self-worth and resilience is being eroded by the continual battles that you face on day to day basis and if you want to make a positive change, then get in touch for a complimentary parental empowerment session with someone who has walked in your shoes
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